
Photos: Sanni Siira

A speculative fiction of the future body.

There is a vibration in our cells anticipating our future bodily states. Experience yourself as a human-sponge-hybrid in the Hydra symbiont hatchery. The performance consists of bodywork including touch.

Concept and direction: Even Minn
Set design: Eeti Piiroinen
Sound design: Tari Doris
Costume: Pauliina Sjöberg
Dramaturge: Ronja Louhivuori

Premiere: 5.6.2019 Theatre Academy at University of the Arts Helsinki

Other performances:
Bodybuilding festival, Tehdasteatteri, April 2019
Kanssaelo - Beings With, Fiskars Village Biennial, August 2019


Review in Turun sanomat by Kaisa Kurikka: "Tanssiarvio: Soluhengitystä ja soiva keho – Bodybuilding-festivaalin esitykset korostivat liikkuvan ruumiin kykyä muuttua toiseksi"

Further reading

Solullistumisen dramaturgia, MA thesis in Dramaturgy, Uniarts 2018

Photo: Sanni Siira